Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is SES Tutoring? Could I be a Supplement Educational Services tutor?

Are you looking for a tutoring position that can grow into something more? In 2002, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act started a tutoring program which is commonly referred to as “Supplemental Educational Services” or SES Tutoring.

SES Tutoring is federally-funded and students are eligible to receive free tutoring if they received free or reduced lunch. Most SES Tutoring companies offer services via the Internet, phone, in-home, or after-school at the schools.

This year, the NCLB Act is up for reauthorization and can impact SES Tutoring significantly. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that SES Tutoring will be around, but more guidelines will be in place to ensure that quality tutoring services are being conducted whether it is online or face-to-face.

A SES Tutor would be responsible for setting goals for the student and guide the student to help achieve their established learning goals. Most SES Tutoring companies provide curriculum for tutors to help the student and the tutor is required to keep track of the attendance, get it attested by the parents and send it back to the provider.

 SES tutoring takes place for an average of twenty hours per week and the sessions are scheduled according to the learner’s needs. Most SES tutors are paid on the hourly basis and the salary depends on the qualification and experience of the tutor but on an average they make anywhere between $20 and $30 an hour.

The best part about working as a SES Tutor is that your schedule is very flexible and depending on the company, individuals have the opportunity to accept or reject tutoring assignments. However, they must be available for a certain amount of hours each week to qualify for this type of tutoring position.

Most SES tutoring companies will have you sign some type of confidentiality agreement and non-compete agreement, but you have the prerogative to keep your own private tutoring clients.

The bottom line is that a SES tutor is a very lucrative option if you are capable of teaching and looking to make some extra loot. The best advice that I have for you is to do your homework about the prospective SES Tutoring Company.

What are your thoughts about working in the SES Tutoring Industry?

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