Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tutoring Reflections: Why You Should Reflect on Your Tutoring Practices?

Tutoring is tough to carry out if you don't set your mind to it. If you feel burdened by giving out a tutorial or perhaps unclear about your overall objective, it's time you reflect on your tutoring practices. Even if things are going well, you still need to reflect so that you can replicate what you are doing and refine some of your tutoring strategies to do even better.

As you may already know, It's quite tough when your performance affects client relationships, especially if you feel that you are not doing satisfactory work or perhaps your student fails to capture your message. These are some of the most common issues tutors are facing, and the only resolve to these issues is to redefine how you see tutoring itself.

Understand Yourself

Ask yourself: what are you doing right and wrong when tutoring? Knowing where you're strong and weak is crucial for being a good tutor. You will be able to understand where you need to improve that will help your students in the long run. Of course, this kind of reflection is important for the sole reason is that you get to know yourself better. If you list your strengths and weaknesses down, you will get a clearer visual of how you can improve.
Self-assessment is vital in realizing your capacity as a tutor because it provides you the conditioning you need that reflects your actions when conveying your service to students.

Strengthen Strengths, Weaken Weaknesses

Your own personal development is important when you are a tutor. You not only teach students academic information, but you also provide them life lessons to live by. Your strengths and weaknesses affect your character, which is what your students witness when you tutor. Enhance what you have that livens up your tutoring so that your students will see an even more professional side through positive actions. This step may be the most difficult because of the self-conditioning, but it is the most fulfilling.
Taking into consideration your strengths and weaknesses is vital because it allows you to pinpoint areas of improvement and enhance those you are strong in, for the benefit of the students.

Keep Things Personal

Reflection involves personal thought and the interaction between yourself and the client should involve the personal level. Know that you are dealing with people because you instill the value of self-confidence through your tutoring. Having that personal connection allows you to realize what your students need and with that, you can modify your teaching style. This kind of connection is important because it fuels the environment that involves better interaction and understanding.

These three principles explain why you should reflect on your tutoring practices. It is growing as a tutor that makes a tutor effective, and through the internal reflections and the external realizations, you can continue the passion as a tutor with a clear goal in mind. That goal is to enlighten the minds of those you teach.

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