Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to Work with At-Risk Learners in Math and Science

When students face much difficulty with subjects like math and science, you may find it challenging to tutor them because of how hard it is for them to absorb the subject material at hand. If you do the wrong things when tutoring them, you would only end up wasting both of your time, which is absolutely a huge negative.

Different strategies should be taken for at-risk learners, especially regarding the retention and application of the complicated subject material that is usually present in Math and Science. It is important to realize that these students will not grasp topics as easily as others could, hence special attention must be given. If you want to get the best results for your tutoring services, then here's what to keep in mind at all times when dealing with at-risk learners.

Patience is your top priority

You better face it: at-risk learners may have a difficult time understanding concepts in math and science. You can't blame them, though, because these concepts can get so complicated that they need an even more intensive explanation regarding the topic. Keeping your cool will not only put your student at ease, but it will also allow him or her to grasp the material because you instill the value that they can indeed grasp it without any reprimands.

Modify your conventional tutoring methods

You are going to have to adjust to the student's needs, especially in special areas of Math and Science. After that, you should modify your tutoring methods to adjust to the capacity of your student. For example, if you teach Math by teaching the concept and illustrating two or three examples before you let your student practice solving, try to increase the number of examples and work closely with your student as he or she solves problems. Even more interaction can develop the student's capacity to grasp the material. Whatever you do as a conventional method, you should modify it by adding more attention and more explanation as you tutor.

Motivate, motivate, motivate!

It is very important that you motivate your student to exert extra effort. He or she may have a hard time with the subjects because of low self-esteem as he or she is haunted by low performance results and the even scarring danger of failing the subjects. Counteract the negativity by commending your student for every achievement and instill the value of confidence to keep that student on track with his or her lessons. For example, in science classes, allow your student to explain how he or she perceives a concept and recognize the efforts before justifying any misinterpretations. This will give your student that drive to learn more because of the appreciation he or she receives.

Overall, positive reinforcement is very crucial in working with at-risk learners of Math and Science. These two subjects tend to be difficult to grasp by most students because of the complexity and the cumulative nature that require a strong foundation. By enhancing the quality of learning for your students, they can easily overcome the difficulty through assisted motivation.

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