Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How to Determine a Child's Reading Level

If you plan on giving tutorial sessions on reading and literature, you should first evaluate the reading level of a child. This will help you determine the right level of literature that you should teach in order to develop the student’s knowledge at a pace that he or she can manage. Here’s how you can determine a child’s reading level at home.

Ask Parents and Teachers
The primary action you should take in determining a child’s reading level is to ask his or her parents and teachers. This will provide you the insight needed in determining what level of language the student can handle, especially if you plan to give him or her tutorial sessions.

Let the Child Read a Book
Check out the reading level of a book and let a child read a few paragraphs from that book. If he or she has difficulty in comprehending the material, you can ease things up a little bit to find material that fits his or her level. This gives you an active approach in determining what type of books the child can understand.

Give the Child Comprehension Tests
In a more standardized manner, comprehension tests can allow you to weigh the capacity to understand different texts in order to formulate lesson plans accordingly. With the score of the comprehension tests available for interpretation, you can understand the reading level of a child quite conveniently.

In determining a child’s reading level, it is important to focus on the capability of the child to understand literary material. Tutorial sessions won’t go smoothly if the child is having major difficulties, especially if the material is beyond his or her reading level. By asking parents and teachers, letting the child read a book, and giving him or her comprehension tests, you can weigh the correct reading level to provide the right level of focus for the tutorial session.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hiring Tutors 105: Determining a Pay Structure for Tutors

If you want to maintain smooth functionality for tutoring, you should understand the different pay structures that work for you. With the different means of obtaining the desired model for payment, developing an effective pay structure must focus on three distinct elements: time frame, nature of the subject, and credentials. This will ensure you the most effective means of obtaining the right tutor for the job, and the right compensation to meet his or her standards and qualifications.

Time frame
Determining whether to pay hourly or through sessions depend on the time availability of the tutor. If he or she is on a busy schedule, then hourly payments may secure the payment pattern. Session-based payments may work over long modules that require frequent meetings. 

Nature of the Subject
As an important factor, technically driven subjects such as science or math require more payment because of it requiring specific attention and mental energy. With this in mind, this will determine the pay structure for tutors, especially in line with the availability and the resources required conveying the lecture.

This is another important factor in determining the amount of pay and pay structure at hand. Credentials will increase a tutor’s reliability and understanding of a certain topic, thus enhancing his or her tutoring capacity. With enough credentials, you may consider monthly or weekly payment schedules because of the certainty of service provided.

Overall, determining how often you should pay or how much depends on the three factors of timeframe, nature of the subject, and credentials. Depending on the tutor, you can develop an effective pay structure that meets both you and your tutor’s requirements. You should consider these elements along with the tutor’s financial plan involved in the terms of service or the contract that is present. With the quality of service provided, you can surely get the right tutor at hand.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Message from Alise--Blog Postings!

Dear Readers,

Thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog, Helping Tutors Become Their Best. Starting the week of March 28, 2011, you can expect for blog postings to be posted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays of each week. However, there will be times when I post interesting information on Mondays and Fridays.

If any of you would like to be a guest on our blog, please email me at and we can arrange for you to contribute as we love to have individuals post helpful information to others. Also, book reviews are welcomed!

If you have suggested content that you would like to see to help you with your tutoring business, please email them to me and I will do my best to make sure that that information is covered.
Again, thanks for reading my blog and have a great rest of the week!

Happy Tutoring,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top 10 Leap Frog Learning Activities to Use During Tutoring Sessions

Leap Frog is a huge innovation in terms of learning activities that enhance the whole development process. Here are 10 leap frog learning activities that you can use while tutoring, to maximize effectiveness.

Tag School Reader - This handheld device allows tutors of elementary school students to teach students the important factors of comprehension all the way to vocabulary.

LeapTrack Reading Pro - A more comprehensive reading device, students tend to develop better critical knowledge and analysis methods.

Audio and Visual Supplements - Leap Frog offers a wide array of supplements that can enhance your tutorial with. Always consider the best material that matches that of your students.

LeapDesk Workstation - For basic communication arts students you're tutoring, this work station offers your students the alphabet where they can learn from. Using touch, sight, and sound, individuals comprehend the material much easily.

The Literacy Center - This can also be used for your tutorial setting, especially if you're dealing with subject matter that required disciplined reading.

Leapster Portable Technology Center - This portable device contains instruction that can help your student develop his skill level. In your tutorial session, you can give this to the child during the breaks to keep him or her interested and even develop his or her skills and talents through hand-eye coordination.

English Picture Dictionary for Spanish Speakers - If you're teaching English language to your students that may have limited grasp of the language, this picture dictionary makes their lives a whole lot easier, which translation present.

PreK Scout Bundle - Sometimes, once you and your student go out for field observation of a lesson, this bundle allows you to even make the adventure exciting through the learning experiences brought about by enrichment activity.

Head Start Bundle - This supplementary bundle can enhance listening comprehension and a lot more. With this, you can be sure of effective learning processes kept in full function.

Tag Take Home! - If your tutoring system involves periodic updates on self-study and take-home assignments, this kit provides you with the necessary materials.

With these 10 activities in mind, you can surely perform effectively in tutoring as your student will be able to secure the needed skills and knowledge required to progress in the subject matter.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is Brain-Based Learning And How to Use It

No one wants to feel hindered or in fear in a given classroom or tutorial setting. By conditioning students to understand that they can ask questions and they won’t fail the subject, this positively reinforces the students, providing them with the heightened motivation to learn. This is brain-based learning, an effective means of conveying ideas taught to students without the difficulty of any interference means that can hinder the learning process.

Implementing the Learning Process
Make sure that you engage your student in a positive manner. Always set the atmosphere up for effective learning. This induces his or her brain to focus on the material needed. Brain-based learning focuses on the element of conditioning. If the atmosphere fails to meet the needs of the student, he or she may feel uneasy and learning becomes difficult.

Once you engage in the lesson, keep things relatable for the student to grasp information readily. Always use real facts as much as possible and integrate the lesson to any society influences. Giving your student ready access to information you teach can stimulate his or her brain to learn more effectively. In such a way, he or she develops a clearer thought process that can sustain more information readily.

Moreover, make sure you allow your student to voice out his or her opinion. An interactive lesson is a key aspect in uncovering the student’s interest in the matter. This will help shape the learning process as effective and stable for the student.

With brain-based learning, your tutorial sessions tend to go smoothly as your student becomes even more engaged in the topic you are discussing. Always remember to set the mood and be creative. Brain-based learning is a conditioning approach that you can control in order to obtain the results you desire, especially if it helps build your student’s retention.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Math Resources to Keep on Hand When Tutoring

Math can be quite difficult to teach, especially regarding the analytical process and mental manipulation that people tend to go through with each problem they encounter. If you are tutoring Math, make sure you have the following resources that can ensure a smooth math tutorial, especially as they help maintain smooth function of the tutorial session.

Bringing calculators is a staple in Math subjects as you can use them to countercheck answers and to simplify long processes that are preliminary to a given topic but are not required to go over once the student understands the topic at hand.

You can bring different charts to represent the topic you are discussing. For example, you can have a table of formulas of areas and volumes of planes and solids for a Geometry tutorial or perhaps a table of integrals for a Calculus one. Use charts as visual aids to guide people.

Problem Sets
Math is all about practice, so make sure you have enough problem sets for your student to try out. This is one practical way for him or her to learn Math.

Math can’t be read out loud or perhaps just simply shown on a PowerPoint presentation. It must be applied manually through the solving process, and that is what a board is for. Bringing a whiteboard and showing how the equation is solved can allow your student to grasp the material easily.

Teaching Math can be quite tough without the right materials. With these Math resources to consider, you can perform your tutoring session smoothly as you are allowed to optimize the resources you bring for that session.