Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top 10 Leap Frog Learning Activities to Use During Tutoring Sessions

Leap Frog is a huge innovation in terms of learning activities that enhance the whole development process. Here are 10 leap frog learning activities that you can use while tutoring, to maximize effectiveness.

Tag School Reader - This handheld device allows tutors of elementary school students to teach students the important factors of comprehension all the way to vocabulary.

LeapTrack Reading Pro - A more comprehensive reading device, students tend to develop better critical knowledge and analysis methods.

Audio and Visual Supplements - Leap Frog offers a wide array of supplements that can enhance your tutorial with. Always consider the best material that matches that of your students.

LeapDesk Workstation - For basic communication arts students you're tutoring, this work station offers your students the alphabet where they can learn from. Using touch, sight, and sound, individuals comprehend the material much easily.

The Literacy Center - This can also be used for your tutorial setting, especially if you're dealing with subject matter that required disciplined reading.

Leapster Portable Technology Center - This portable device contains instruction that can help your student develop his skill level. In your tutorial session, you can give this to the child during the breaks to keep him or her interested and even develop his or her skills and talents through hand-eye coordination.

English Picture Dictionary for Spanish Speakers - If you're teaching English language to your students that may have limited grasp of the language, this picture dictionary makes their lives a whole lot easier, which translation present.

PreK Scout Bundle - Sometimes, once you and your student go out for field observation of a lesson, this bundle allows you to even make the adventure exciting through the learning experiences brought about by enrichment activity.

Head Start Bundle - This supplementary bundle can enhance listening comprehension and a lot more. With this, you can be sure of effective learning processes kept in full function.

Tag Take Home! - If your tutoring system involves periodic updates on self-study and take-home assignments, this kit provides you with the necessary materials.

With these 10 activities in mind, you can surely perform effectively in tutoring as your student will be able to secure the needed skills and knowledge required to progress in the subject matter.

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