Wednesday, March 2, 2011

5 Tips to Give Parents About Test-Taking Strategies

Although you won’t be able to be with your student at all times, you can share important test-taking strategies to his or her parents in order to help the parents develop the child’s test-taking abilities in order to effectively answer tests with little to no problems. Here are 5 important tips you can give parents to engage them in test-taking strategies that work.
Lots of Rest
Tests can be mentally stressful, so it is important to get lots of rest, not only the night before, but every other night as well. Enough time to rest can cultivate the mind to perform optimally, which is important for tests.
Familiar First
In all tests, especially those lengthy, always answer familiar questions before attempting those difficult. This will save a lot of time and increase the tendency of higher scores. This allows the child to engage in difficult questions with more time.
Elimination Method for Multiple Choice
In multiple choice-type questions where the child does not know the answer of a certain question, employ the elimination method. This involves discussing the nature of the question through analysis: instead of looking for the right answer, eliminate the wrong ones first.
Outline for Essays
Some tests may have essay questions. The pressure may throw your child’s line of thought, which can be troublesome if the essay portion does not contain the whole totality of the test. It is important, therefore, to mentally form an outline of three important points to note down. This will guide him or her while writing the essay, with concrete ideas easily formulated.
Context Clues
Very useful for identification-type or even multiple choice-type questions, context clues allow you to effectively analyze the question to come up with an answer you didn’t know in the first place. By understanding the phrases, the answer could be very well surface from the back of your child’s brain when he or she least expects it!
Taking the test is never easy when unprepared, so it becomes important for your student to be aware of these strategies involved. By sharing these with parents, the supplementary process can happen smoothly and continuously.

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